Home LivestockCalving & LambingLamb Essentials Lamb reviver 60ml syringe stomach tube
Lamb reviver 60ml syringe stomach tube

Lamb reviver 60ml syringe stomach tube


About this product

Lamb Reviver Syringe
Graduated 60ml syringe with 2 catheters. This lamb reviver and colostrum feeder syringe drencher is used to administer colostrum directly into the stomach of lambs quickly and safely without causing injury. This Colostrum feeder syringe is ideal for use on newborn lambs.Tube feeding is the simplest, safest, and quickest way to feed any lamb or kid that can hold its head up and sit up under its own power. 

How to use a Lamb Reviver:
- Hold the lamb or kid on your lap or between your legs.
- Support the lamb’s head with your hand,extend its neck slightly to give the tube a more direct path to the stomach.
- Lubricate the tube in warm water or milk before inserting it.
- The length of the tube should indicate whether or not the stomach has been reached. Most tubes are of the length such that there will be 2 to 3 inches sticking out of the lamb’s mouth once the tube is fully inserted.
- You should only tube feed lambs that can swallow. Never tube a lamb that is unconscious.


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