


About this product

An electrolyte and nutrient powder for calves and pigs suffering from dehydration (caused by stress, scour and digestive upsets). Contains predominantly electrolytes and easily absorbable carbohydrates.

Target Species: Calves and pigs

Add the contents of one sachet to 2.5 litres (1/2 gallon) of water, milk or milk replacer and mix thoroughly. Feed one solution per calf twice a day for 2-3 days. For pigs, one solution will feed 10 pigs and feed twice a day for 2-3 days. Return animals to their nomal feed on the fourth day. If problem persists contact your local vet.
Ensure easy access for small and weaker piglets.
Sacrolyte can be mixed with warm or cold water, however, piglets prefer a warming solution.

Withdrawal: Meat, Offal and milk: 0 Days

Preventing and treating calf scours:
- Look out for signs of dehydration – dry gums, sunken eyes, skin tent (when skin is lifted forms tent like shape before returning to normal state)
- Treat dehydration with Sacrolyte
- Check hind quarters for diarrhoea
- Monitor calf’s temperature for an increase
- Separate calves suspected of having scour as could be infectious.
- Make sure fluids lost are being replaced with milk and electrolytes
- Maintain good hygiene – footbaths, clean sheds, beeding, water etc.
- Have regular feeding habbits – time, quantity, same (good quality) milk replacer
- If in doubt contact your local veterinarian

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