Silasave 20kg

Silasave 20kg


About this product

Silage and heat make can an ideal environment for moulds and fungi to multiply even with adequate rolling and sealing. These moulds and fungi consume the nutrients present in the silage causing the silage to rot and form the black layer often seen in silage pits.

SilaSave is the only cost-effective solution to reduce surface waste and moulds on silage pits. Surface waste presents a problem from

several perspectives:
- Loss of valuable fodder
- Labour cost required to remove the waste and dispose of it in the spring
- Reduction of silage quality

The moulds present on the surface of the silage pit can produce a variety of mycotoxins. These moulds can sometimes be visible or invisible. They grow best on the surface of the silage pit where pH is higher and growing conditions are better than lower down in the pit.  The mycotoxins present in silage are known to have the many health effects on ruminants. SilaSave is a blend of carefully chosen acid salts + triple action mould inhibitor. It is spread on the surface and/or sides of the pit before it is covered. SilaSave inhibits the growth of moulds, and fungi in the top layer and sides of the pit.

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